In front of a car wash in Temagami City.
Lin Ran took out the salary he had just been paid and handed it to Zhao Yu.
“Xiao Yu, I love you, this is the salary I’ve just been paid, hand it over to you!”
Lin Ran looked at Zhao Yu expectantly, but the latter took the money, but shook his head disdainfully, followed by a handful of money that was not much in the first place and slammed it in the former’s face.
“Don’t dismiss me with this money, it’s not even three thousand, what can I do with it?
Lin Ran, we’re over, I’m not going to waste my youth on a loser like you anymore!”
Lin Ran only felt five thunderstorms, his brain went blank.
Wonder Doctor Chapter 1-5
Wonder Doctor Chapter 6-10
Wonder Doctor Chapter 11-20
Wonder Doctor Chapter 21-30
Wonder Doctor Chapter 31-40
Wonder Doctor Chapter 41-60
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